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White Sands

Our Mission

To serve Christ passionately through self, family, parish and community.

Our Identity

A diverse people responding to God through worship & music,  friendship & formation, generosity & service. 

About Trinity Memorial Church

Trinity Memorial Church was founded as Trinity Church, and renamed shortly after its founding to Trinity Memorial Church to recognize the generosity of its founding families. The cornerstone to our present, the parish's second church building, was laid in 1895. Our campus has since expanded to include a Parish House, a Gym, and Trinity House (on Oak Street). From the days of its founding, Trinity Memorial has been open and welcoming to all: in our parish's very early days, this meant that we did not discriminate on account of economic status. Since those days, our cordial welcome has grown to explicitly include persons of any race, gender, or sexual orientation. If you seek a relationship with God, we invite you to join jour journey with ours.

Growing in our Faith

"Great Jehovah, great Jehovah, 
form our hearts and make them thine."

From Hymn 368, " Holy Father, great Creator," Stanza 4, Hymnal 1982

For grown-ups

Most Sundays from September through June, we get together for a Forum: our Forums cover a wide variety of topics: our Christian Faith, the history of theChristian Church in the world, different expressions of our shared Christian faith; environmental, social, racial and economic justice; and sometimes we have just plain fun.

Our Forum discussion meetings are considered a safe space for sharing; they are usually accessible live via,  Selected Forum discussions, edited to preserve our safe space, are available on YouTube.

For new members and visitors

We offer confirmation classe for any and all: visitors, new members, prospective members, or simply anyone wishing to refresh or deepen their understanding of our shared faith in the Episcopalian tradition.

For our youngest members

COVID-19 forced us to suspend our Sunday school, for the health and safety of our youngest members. As we find our way into a new, post-pandemic normal, we hope to be able to offer this education for our youngest members again.

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